Welcome To Waterline
We Are So Glad You're Here!
The Waterline Experience
Check out The Waterline Experience on Sundays.
Everyone is welcome to come as you are!
What To Expect On Sunday
Sunday mornings at 9 & 11 am

Children are near and dear to the heart of Waterline. We love them! In fact, many of our “big picture” decisions are made with children in mind. Our Family Ministry is a safe and fun place for children from birth through 8th grade to Love God and Love Others.
At this time, our birth through 5th graders are welcome to join us in our Family Ministry wing for their own programming. Their teachers will bring the elementary aged children in for worship through music, before returning to their class. Our 6th-12th graders are invited to participate in the main Experience with their parents.
We want to connect with you in person and online! Say "Hi!" when you come or find us online on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.
Name Tags
Your name is important to us! The starting point of every great friendship begins with sharing your name. Please take a moment and slap on a name tag.
They’re important, so we won’t hide them from you. There are restrooms on the 1st floor directly across from The Experience Room. Children in Family Ministry have their own restroom in the FM area
We'd like to give you a gift!
Find us in the lobby after the Experience!
At Waterline, everyone has been a first-time guest, so helping people connect into our community is a huge priority to us. Please take a second to fill out the digital Connect Card, then return it to the lobby just inside the main entrance and receive a welcome gift!